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About us

We are currently the largest BMW Club (motorcycle or car) in Australia.

The BMW Motorcycle Club of Victoria is based in Melbourne and was founded by a small group of twenty members in 1975, holding its inaugural meeting on the 26th May. We're now a club with 800+ members throughout Victoria and interstate.          The club offers numerous benefits to its members ranging from friendship provided by companionship of fellow enthusiasts to numerous social opportunities, and even assistance with working on your own bike.

Family involvement is encouraged with the club offering family days such as the annual awards lunch, Christmas party, Christmas camp and other functions throughout the year.                                             The prime objective is to encourage motorcycling with all club activities circling around that objective.

Membership is open to all motorcycle enthusiasts and their families.

Full membership is restricted to owners of BMW motorcycles.

Family memberships provide for partners and any children under 18 years of age. Only one person in a family membership may vote.

Associate memberships are available for those who do not own a BMW motorcycle, for those who own a motorcycle of a different brand or those who do not own a motorcycle at all but have an appreciation of the BMW marque.


Our club encourages and values respect, community, professionalism, tolerance and support all of the things that are necessary for members to feel valued in our club. It is not about what you can get from the club, but what you are willing to contribute to the club that will enrich your club life – ask any life member.

In pursuance our club’s mission, we commit to the following values:

  • Respect of club, members, property, the BMW brand and the BMW community.
  • Honesty and integrity are forefront in all we do.
  •  Community: We are a supporting and welcoming community grounded in teamwork to make big jobs small through the contribution of every volunteer.
  • Servant heart: A volunteer is someone who delivers what they promise.
  • Boundaries: Committee members and the Support Team have a life outside the club.
  • Professional: Always represent the Club and the brand in a professional manner.

Link to club values

Riding motorcycles is what we love to do. There are many rides organised by the club each year on various days of the week. 

We have rides of around 300-400km, generally on the third Sunday of each month, a monthly midweek ride on the second Wednesday .

Saturday coffee mornings are held weekly at Albert Park and monthly at Emerald, Bendigo, Ballarat, Leongatha and Heyfield.

Information about rides and some social events is available only to members on the club website.

GS Adventure training and rides: We offer GS training for 2024 with Touratech (brochure).

View the Event Calendar 

Technical knowledge is available to members who wish to work on their own machine and has proven invaluable. Whether you are intending to do a minor service or a more challenging mechanical repair, the club offers some specialist tools enabling the member to do the job, with knowledgeable members who may be able to assist with advice. The club also offers Service Days during the year. Service Days provide members with a venue, and some specialized tools, where they can get together to service their bikes, with a level of assistance required to perform the tasks at hand. Service Days are generally held over a four hour period and they provide a fantastic opportunity for members and family to gather socially while learning about their motorbikes.

Club General Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month except for December when the meeting is held on the third Monday of the month. Meetings are held at Lynden Park Recreational Facility, Wakefield's Grove, 64A Through Road, Camberwell, at 7.30pm. Entry to the venue is via Wakefield's Grove. Guest speakers often present interesting topics to the membership, general business items are addressed and the meeting concludes   with supper and time for socializing. Visitors are always welcome.

Committee meetings are held on once a month on a Saturday at the home of the Secretary. Please contact the president or secretary for dates and if you would like to attend a committee meeting to present a matter for discussion.

A Club Permit Scheme is available to members who have a motorcycle over 25 years old and have held membership for          4 weeks (after Committee approval of membership).