Annual General Meeting - 22nd July 2024
Join us on Monday July 22nd at 7.30pm for our monthly general meeting and Annual General Meeting at Lynden Park Recreational facility, Wakefield's Grove, 64a Through Rd Camberwell 3124.
Enter via access road between no's 64 and 66 Through Rd
Since the July monthly meeting also includes the AGM, a speaker has not been arranged. At the AGM we will elect a new committee for 2024/25 and receive a series of committee reports including a financial report. As always, we will ensure there is plenty of time for socialising whilst sharing supper together.
30 club members are required to attend in person or proxy, under the rules of our constitution, in order to make this meeting valid.
If you are unable to attend the AGM but would like to participate and/or vote on a committee position election or other issues, you will find a proxy form on the club's website under INFO - Forms or on the link below. This proxy should be made out naming the chairman as nominee and can be e-mailed to the Secretary.
All committee positions will be declared vacant at the AGM. The committee positions consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Ride Captain, Vice Captain, Social Secretary and 2 General positions. An election will be held as we have 2 candidates for the position of Vice President.
If you would like to nominate yourself or another club member for a committee position, follow the link below to the AGM notice for a nomination form.
Notice is also given for a special resolution to approve the new model rules with amendments to our club’s constitution, to align to the latest model rules. Refer to links below for the new model rules and proposed amendments.
We look forward to seeing you at this meeting.
Notice, proxy, minutes and changes to constitution are attached below
2024 AGM Notice and SpedMtg Proxy.docx
2024 AGM Notice and SpedMtg Proxy.pdf
2024 AGM New constitution_Spec Reso.docx
2023-07 AGM minutes.pdf
BMWMCCVIC - Constitution 2018.pdf
Model rules for an incorporated association.docx
Updated Constitution_Proposed amendments_with feedback.docx
2024-5_Summary of committee CVs.docx
Topic: BMW Motorcycle Club Monthly Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 7683 6013
Passcode: 510617